Katie Eastburn from 'Young People'
The other night I met a hipster in a bar downtown. He was in Manhattan that night, but of course he lives in Williamsburg. He told me some interesting things about being a hipster. First thing apparently is that a hipster doesn't think of himself as a hipster. But this particular hipster does, and that makes him a super-hipster in my mind. Anyway, when he learned that I live on Roosevelt Island he told me that there was going to be a big hipster BBQ party on that island the very next Sunday! So on that day I packed a bag with some sunscreen and my camera and strolled down to the southern tip of the island. And indeed, there were tons of hipsters down there, having a great hippie style party with a huge line-up of musicians playing acoustic sets. I didn't know anybody and because I had a hang-over once again I didn't have the energy to talk to anybody. Still, I had a great time just listening to music, sunbathing and taking a couple of pictures and videos. Here is one of the 'Aa aka BIG A little a':
This is a annual event called 'Todd P's springtime unamplified acoustic BBQ'. So I think next year we should all prepare BBQ food, put a lot of drinks in a cooler box, pack our instruments and go down there to party along. Oh, and check out Todd P's page , he organizes a lot of shows in Brooklyn and it all sounds like pretty sweet stuff to me.
One more movie on my youtube account and more pics in my photodiary...
What a Peacefest and what a funny report, thanx Anita! The Ueberhipster she mentions runs the New York Night Train (http://www.newyorknighttrain.com/), is therefore best informed and look like Jim Morrison.
this will be shut down, im sure
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