Thursday, January 26, 2006

Rock the Room and Room Rock You

Rock the Room and the Room Rocks You

A great night was had by a good crowd of almost a hundred heads and hearts at East River Bar in Williamsburg on Tuesday, where the upstarts of the new Alternative indie scene, Morex Optimo, Chasm in Labrador and Room performed highly entertaining sets. Above from left: Jean-Cosme, Martial and Bernd keep it straight in Room while their singers go apeshit. Below: Stjan and Rollie of Room are not your typical rock singers, but quite a handfull to watch and listen to. Bottom: This photo is proof that Morex Optimo are just as much fun off stage as on it. Their dense and rich intellectual punk was the crowning highlight of this rocking night. Unfortunately I do not have pictures of the exquisite Chasm in Labrador who opened the evening with melodic yet beautifully psychedelic tunes. If you have any pics of them (or Morex or Room for that matter), please post the in the comments below! Morex Optimo will be recording a new 3track single this week...prelistening on this blog soon!

White Collar Punks Give You Room

White collar punx give you Room

Morex Optimo Have Fun

Morex Optimo having fun thinking about new song titles.

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