Saturday, March 29, 2008

See Christian Gibbs on Broadway!

Time to tell you of "Passing Strange", a rock musical on - hear, hear - Broadway. It tells the story of a young man in Los Angeles who wants to travel the world writing songs. He lands in Amsterdam and Berlin, where he gets to know sex and drugs and rock'n'roll, politics, philosophy and finds out about love. The strong all-black cast is supported by white musicians on stage, most notably the ever rising star Christian Gibbs who adds special rock flavor to the catchy songs written by the witty MC of the cast, Stew, and the elegant bass player Heidi Rodewald. With his offbeat humor Stew, whose semi-autobiographical story is told, creates an instant connection to the audience that is only enhanced by the versatile actors/singers. After the show Christian gave us a tour of the beautiful Belasco theatre, where the legendary Harry Houdini made an elephant disappear. The top apartement, left unchanged since the death of Mr. Belasco, is said to be haunted by his ghost. Another helpful ghost behind the machine makes sure everything stays in tune: the ubiquitous Mike Fornatale. You go to rock shows all the time in dindgy clubs, now treat yourself to the real thing, the New York institution Broadway and enjoy Passing Strange, finally a musical that truly rocks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a boring play, but in a fantastic room and with fantastic musicians.