Monday, November 23, 2009

Punk Sunday at Glasslands: Pretendo, The Walking Hellos

Seems they are making this a habit: Sunday night intelligent indie punk at Glasslands with Pretendo and the Walking Hellos. Itäs not much for when you are a sucker for PAs, but a lot of fun if you like to see how a band makes the best of it and just goes for the soul of the rock, the mesmerizing moments of rhythm and harmony, as exemplified again by New York's most unpretentious trio, Pretendo.

A wake up call for this reporter from the Walking Hellos who in fine moods and energetic playing made a lot of bands of boys look like sissies. The ladies harmonize great togehter, and oh those bass lines remind us very much of Mr. Macho himself, JJ Burnel of the Stranglers. And watch out, Kristin Müller, Heather Wagner is a strong contender for best female drummer this year!

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Unfinished History of The Stranglers

Finally, there's a relatively fair look back on the Stranglers and their achievements on the newly improved YouTube. It's produced by BBC and though the quality is pretty low, there is some stuff you probably never new of the most underrated of the successful punk bands. The documentary ends before the publication of the Strangler's latest and best in decades album, Suite XVI (see review in the sidebar below).

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Merry Macabre Danse

Here's a peak at the first collaboration between Mike "Morricone" Lawson (Git and Production) and Roman Game (Song, Vid). A raunchier version of "Macabre Danse" can sometimes be heard live, played by the band Room. Though we are never sure if the fourth chord is an F# or an F#m. You tell us.

Monday, November 09, 2009

There's Room At Fat Baby This Thursday!

After the delightful evening we shared at Fat Baby with Anton Sword and the We Ours and Brett's band Too Many Zebras, we were invited back to the nice club on the LES. So ROOM will play there this Thursday, November 12th, downstairs. Fat Baby is at 112 Rivington St. (Between Ludlow & Essex). This time, we will play more than six songs and make it worth your time, promised! And you'll get to sing one, if you want, in our brand new Karaoke part of the set. Come early and see Safe Pair Of Hands at 10PM!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Machu Picchu, I'm back from Peru! 10 days in a country that is most colorful, friendly, proud of it's history and a place where a lot of people don't worry about money. Who says you are poor if you make less than two bucks a day? Climb a mountain near Cusco and look down on the majestic place of Machu Picchu. See the rain move in and then the clouds part, the sun comes out and you're literally standing somewhere over the rainbow. I'm not really a hippie but this region is mystical. Not much in terms of rock music, though. Here's a picture of the only show I saw - traditional Peruvian and Inca Folk dances. Smitten.